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Tag: virus

Technology Made Elderly Feel More Lonely During Pandemic: Study

Staying in touch with friends and family via technology made many older people feel more lonelier and more depressed than no contact at all, researchers have research. ....


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Covid Virus May Reach Various Layers Of Human Retina: Study

Brazilian researchers have found that SARS-CoV-2 viral particles may reach the various layers of the human retina and also could be associated with this infection's ocular clinical manifestations. ....


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US Sees Rise In Respiratory Virus, Delta Infections Among Children

Besides the surging cases of infections from the Delta variant, the US is also seeing a rise in cases of a respiratory virus known as respiratory syncytial virus, or RSV, a highly contagious, flu-like illness, that is typically more likely to affect children and older adults, according to media reports.....


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Covid-19 In US Going To Get Worse: Fauci

As the more contagious Delta variant of the novel coronavirus is spreading across the US, Anthony Fauci, White House chief medical advisor, has warned that "things are going to get worse." ....


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Increased Screen Time During Covid Lockdown Has Raised Myopia In Children: Study

Significant curbs on time spent outdoors and sharp rise in screen time during the coronavirus pandemic have led to the rise in childhood short-sightedness, also known as myopia, suggests a study. ....


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The Truth About Products That Claim To Kill 99.9% Germs

From SARS to H1N1 and now Covid-19, the last decade has seen many viruses and flues due to 'germs'. This has also given rise to dozens of new products which brag about their microbe-killing properties. ....


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Covid May Be Endemic But Has Not 'ended' In India: Experts

Covid-19 is endemic in India, but it does not mean "the end" of the deadly infectious disease, say experts emphasising the need to continue with Covid appropriate behaviour and vaccination. ....


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US Cash Funded Wuhan Virus Lab, Claims New Book

The US has cash funded the infamous Wuhan lab in China, that is known to deal in deadly viruses and is also the place from where the SARS-CoV-2, the virus behind Covid-19 pandemic, allegedly leaked, claimed a new book. ....


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Severe Covid Infection Can Lead To Delirium: Study

Patients hospitalised with severe Covid-19 infection are highly at risk of developing cognitive impairment -- including depression and delirium -- both during the treatment and after it, finds a study. ....


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UK Records Another 45,066 Coronavirus Cases

Another 45,066 people in Britain have tested positive for Covid-19, bringing the total number of coronavirus cases in the country to 8,317,439, according to official figures released on Thursday. ....


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